Is Flavoured Whiskey Even Whiskey?

Is Flavoured Whiskey Even Whiskey?

Is Flavoured Whiskey Even Whiskey?

As a seasoned whiskey enthusiast and reviewer, I've often wondered, "Is Flavored Whiskey Even Whiskey?" The answer, like many aspects of life, is not a simple one. Yet, the allure of traditional whiskey, with its rich, complex flavors, continues to captivate me.

The Rise of Flavored Whiskey

Flavored Whiskey has catapulted to the top of the spirits market, amassing a staggering $1.5 billion in 2022. Whiskey producers, both major players and boutique distilleries, are in a race to uncover the next big flavor trend. The options are limitless, ranging from peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon to s'mores, bananas, and cookie dough. If these flavours pique your interest, there's no shame in indulging in what you enjoy. However, it's crucial to note that these flavoured whiskeys won't be the focus of our reviews for two key reasons.

The Controversy

Firstly, the flavourings mask the flavours of the whiskey so much that trying to review them together is akin to comparing apples and oranges, or rather, apples and orange-flavoured whiskey. Secondly, thanks to those added ingredients, they're not whiskeys, at least not in our book.

The TTB defines "spirit whisky" as "a mixture of neutral spirits & not less than 5% on a proof gallon basis whisky." This means you could mix grain alcohol with a tiny amount of bourbon and still legally call it whiskey. But should you?

Historically, American whiskey has had dark chapters. Dishonest producers mixed grain alcohol (or worse) with colouring and flavourings and called their dangerous concoction whiskey. This led to the first consumer protection legislation, the Bottled in Bond Act.

The Unexpected Surprise

Two of our testers purchased bottles of Basil Hayden rye—one called Caribbean Reserve Rye and the other called Dark Rye—containing rye mixed with another spirit (rum and port, respectively). This information is mentioned in small print on the label. The flavour was so drastically different than expected that it made them swear off buying more of the brand. That's certainly not an outcome any whiskey maker would like.

The Hypocrisy

We appreciate finished American whiskeys and Scotches and have no qualms about using whiskey to craft a superb cocktail. However, we do acknowledge our own hypocrisy in this matter. There comes a point where we must draw a line in the mash, and for us, that line is honest labeling.


So, is flavoured whiskey even whiskey? The answer depends on your perspective. But one thing is clear: the world of whiskey is as diverse and complex as the spirits it produces. Whether you're a purist or a flavour enthusiast, there's whiskey for everyone. Remember the importance of responsible consumption, a value we all share in the whiskey community. Cheers! �

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